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Welcome Website Dr.Yassin Braces & Veneer & Implant

Welcome Website Dr.Yassin 

  • Are dental implants right for you?

Many options exist to replace missing teeth but only one – dental implants – can provide the feel, function and appearance of natural teeth. You can trust the clinic Dr. Yassin of Implant Dentistry, a leading on tooth implants .

  • Orthodontics

A dental implant is a titanium screw that integrates with your jaw to replace the lost tooth root. A porcelain crowned tooth is then attached to the top of the implant to complete your smile.

  • Comprehensive dentistry

Tooth extraction is the removal of a tooth from its socket in the bone . You may need to have your tooth removed if it’s damaged or decayed and can’t be repaired.

  • Implant

We provide orthodontic services to our patients, both adults and children alike and can offer you the very latest in orthodontic treatments to suit your individual needs.